FX Calc Introduction
The FX Calc package provides classes for handling Currencies and Rates within the Foreign Exchange business. The package requires JDK8.
The FX Calculator is created via a FxRateCalculatorBuilder so that the FxRateCalculator can be immutable for a given set of parameters and rates
(unless you provide a BaseFxRateProvider).
Ways to import Base Rates
The FX Calculator requires Base Rates to return rates, inverse rates or cross rates. There are 3 ways to import rates via the
- addRateSnapshot(FxRate rate): add the rate to an internal map per CurrencyPair, an immutable map will be given to the Calculator so the bases
rates will NOT change.
- ratesSnapshot(Collection<FxRate> rates): add a collection of rates to an internal map per CurrencyPair, an immutable map will be given
to the Calculator so the bases rates will NOT change.
- baseFxRateProvider(BaseFxRateProvider) You then control when the Base Rates change, the Calculator will call the required CurrencyPair you
either every time or once (if cacheBaseRates is true).
Once you have an
, you can call:
- getBid: bid (amount the quoter would buy Ccy1 for a given amount of Ccy2).
- getAsk: ask (amount the quoter would sell Ccy1 for a given amount of Ccy2).
- getMid: (bid+ask)/2
- convertAmountUsingBidOrAsk: Given a monetary amount in the original currency, calculate the resulting amount in the other currency, using BID
or ASK.
- getPaymentAmountForBuying: to get the amount you would get by buying a currency amount.
- getReceiptAmountForSelling: to get the amount you would get by selling a currency amount.